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Our best tour in Rome

The very best of Rome squares and fountains

The principal squares and the more attractive fountains have been chosen in order to explore in detail. We will leave from The Spanish Square and its famous staircase and its “Fountain of the Baraccacia”

Duration: 4 Hours

Campo dei Fiori, Navona Square, Campus Martius, Farnese Square, The Balbi Crypt & Pantheon

Perhaps not everyone knows that one of the more ancient areas of Rome is not the Roman Forum at all but the area called “Campus Martius.” The name derives from the fact that since the time of the kings of Rome, the zone was consecrated to Mars, ...

Duration: 4 Hours

The Baths of Diocletian

Perhaps not everyone knows that the Baths of Diocletian were the grandest of the public baths, and the most imposing thermal complex ever built in Rome

Duration: 2 hours

Museum of the Roman Civilization

ideal departure point for every touristic or cultural itinerary to su"ciently study the archeological side of Rome, comparing ancient Rome and how it is today

Duration: 2 Hours